Thursday, March 4, 2021

Using my serger - tshirts and a coverlet

 I have finished a Tshirt which was in my to do pile for more than a year, and quickly added 2 more to use up the materials sitting on the shelf. The green is going to be a pj top, but the others are real ones! I took my serger out again, and was fighting with the proper setup - but finally I did it! It was significantly easier than 2 (maybe 3? - no, I have checked, it was only 2)  ago when I bought and first used it, and when I felt overwhelmed by the many bells and whistles. Now the threading is really quick and comfortable, simply choosing the correct setup took some time. But I have nailed it down, wrote on my manual, and also put it here for future reference:

Tshirt setup for singer pro 5serger:

Sewing parts together: #6 3threaded ultrastretch - G,knife, 2N, top orange, blue, bottom red thread

Coverstitch for the edges: #12 wide coverstitch- H, no knife, NN

Stitching on the binding: normal machine.

I have also stitched a cover for my kitchen  breadboard. I have several small and big silicone, but I recently I have realised I liked my gradma style old fashioned wood one best, and bought one. But it is big, and I do not like to leave it uncovered to collect dust, so I quickly made one. I used up an old herb print I bought years ago, it was perfect for this and it was finished in 10 minutes thank to my superquick serger. 

The setup was #9, wide 5 thread safety stitch A, knife, NN, all colours, orange, blue up, others down



Rita said...

Ez egye az overlock gép?
Tényleg szuper lehet, nekem sajnos nincs.
A fa vágódeszkát én is szeretem, sokat használom, függőlegesen felállítva tárolom a szekrényben. A tiéd nagyon szép ruhát kapott!

Agi said...

Igen, eza csudagep: fedőző és overlock egyben, azaz van olyan állás ami beszegi és levágja az anyag szélét, és van olyan, ami duplasoros szegést csinál az anyagon de nem vágja le.