Friday, September 9, 2011

Meglepetés Aniknak / Surprise

Nagyon igyekeztem, és három nap alatt kész lettem az elbóklászott RR novemberi madáretetőjével. Gazdája már nagyon várja, rajtam nem múlt, hétfőn postára is adom, hogy hosszú útja után hazatérhessen, alig 5 hónap késéssel, és sajna még így is 2 hiányzó kockával.

Eddig nagyon jól megy a hónap, még csak kilencedike van, és már befejeztem a sárkányka oldalát, kész az RR, jöhetne az őszikert (Autumn Knotgarden) de mivel úgy alakult, hogy kicsit családozunk, ezért inkább mégis a már összeállított karácsonyi képet (Nativity) hoztam magammal, azt folytatom holnap. És egy kis illusztráció, hogy mit jelent egy kontúr !

Madáretetős RR (Keresztszemes Magazin) / Birdhouse RR
Fonal/Floss: Anchor
Anyag/Fabric: drapp aida

Ennyit jelent a kontúr / What a difference a backstitch makes!

I was really pressing myself and I have finished the november birdhouse of the late RR in three days. The owner is anxiously waiting for the piece to arrive, since it is 5 month late.  Moreover, it is sad that 2 months are still (and will be) missing. I am not one to blame, received it this week and I will post it on Monday.
By the way, this month is really good for my stitching, only the 9th and my HAED dragonling page is ready, RR is packed, so I am ready for Autumn Knotgarden. However, we visited my family for a few days and I still had not decided between 28ct and 32ct for the fabric, so I took Nativity with me. That is my project for tomorrow.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's an interesting project, hat happened to the missing two months?

Agi said...

2 people did not have the time to stitch, and the fabric was staying for half year with one of them... actually the other one should stich december after me, but she is late with several other projects (RR) so the owner asked me to send the tablecloth back to her. It is always difficult to find 12 people who has the same level of dedication to a task.

Joysze said...

Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about the missing 2 months.... that's not nice of the previous people!!!

Autumn Knotgarden... oh.... it's going to be beautiful!!