Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring had arrived

Megjött a tavasz Magyarországra, és újra nekifutottam a Tavaszikert jobb felső sarkának. Azt hittem sosem sikerül: az elmúlt hónapokban vagy 4x nekiugrottam, de mindig feladtam pár öltés után. Még sosem hímeztem egyszálasan, és ezt kellett negyed, fél és rendes öltésekkel kombinálni, megspékelve azzal, hogy szinte minden öltés más színű volt. De nem adtam fel, megvilágosodtam, kivarrtam az egyszálas minivirágokat, és utána könnyebben ment a többi. Remélem a következő oldal már gyorsabban megy!

Spring had arrived to Hungary, and I have been working on the upper right corner of Spring Knotgarden this week. It was quite difficult to get over the one over one little flowers - I started at least 4 times in the last months and always gave up after a few stitches - but once I found out how to proceed it went quite well. First time for me to do one over one, and mixed with quarted, half and regular stitches was quite a challenge. But finally I managed, and I hope the next side will be easier!

Chatelaine: Spring Knotgarden
Fonal/Floss: DMC + many silks as suggested in the kit
Anyag/Fabric: Zweigart antique white 32 ct Belfast

Liebster blog award from Ineke

Ineke was very nice, and gave a Liebster Blog award for me. Thanks a lot, Ineke!
Liebster is a German word meaning favourite, dearest or beloved. The Liebster Blog Award is awarded by bloggers to other new bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to help spread the word about their blogs and to help them gain wider recognition.
The Liebster award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting:
1. Choose 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.

I was trying to decide whom should I give the award, but the computer ghost is against me, cannot check my blogroll because it is freesing all the time. So I offer it for anyone who is on my list, I think all of you deserve it!

The five facts about myself:
1. I used to do jogging, my biggest achievement was a half marathon. Since my baby boy came I suspended sports except running after him) but I am planning to restart! 
2. I love watermelons but never eat melons.
3. I love trekking and my favourite travel destination is Indonesia.
4. I hate driving because I can never park decently.
5. I never drink coffee, I tried it once, but cannot stand the taste, not even in cakes.  

+ not a secret, but my favourite designer is Martina Weber from Chatelaine!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

TUSAL special

A mostani fonalvéges fotó nem csak a fonalaim, de az üvegem végét is jelentette... Miután van még vagy 6 ilyen itthon, nagy kár nem ért, de azért kicsit sajnáltam szegényt.

This month's TUSAL photo documented not only the remains of my threads, but the remains of my ORT jar as well. I have several similar jars, so it is not a big loss, but still I was sad for my little friend...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Jobb későn mint soha - IHSW - Better later than never

Kicsit sűrű volt a hetem, de a múlt hétvége - hála nemzeti ünnepünknek elég hosszú volt ahhoz, hogy befejezzem az Őszikert 5. részét. A gyöngyök még hiányoznak, de így is nagyon szép lett, és már csak 1 rész van hátra, amit május elején fogunk megkapni.

Chatelaine: Autumn Knotgarden
Fonal/Floss: DMC + many silks as suggested in the kit
Anyag/Fabric: Zweigart antique white 32 ct Belfast

I had a very busy week, so I did not have time to post my IHSW photos earlier, but as the Hungarian proverb goes better later than never, so here they are. However, thank to our national holiday on the 15th of March we had a long weekend, so I managed to finish Part 5 of Autumn Knotgarden. Apart from beading only Part 6 is missing, but it will be released in May, so I have to wait a little.

For my readers, who are not familiar with Hungarian national holidays a little history: Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy lead by the Habsburg dynasty. In 1848-49 there was a fight for our independence which started with a revolution in Budapest on the 15th of March. Sadly, we did not won this fight, but the day is very important for us, and became the symbol of freedom for all Hungarians. On this day we put a little circle of ribbon to our coats, called "kokárda" to remember for those who used this during the day more than 160 years ago. The ribbon is made up of colours of the Hungarian flag, the red stands for strength, white for loyalty, for green for hope.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Még mindig vonat / Still on the train

Bár a vírusok kitartóan ostromoltak, és még mindig nem hátrálnak, de azért sikerült újabb oldalt befejeznem a vonatból. Így elértem a 4/5t, már csak négy oldal, és készen vagyok! El sem hiszem, hogy már több mint egy éve dolgozom rajta, és lassan vége. Bár, ahogy számítom, még el fog júniusig tartani, hacsak meg nem táltosodom közben...

Despite the continuous and never ending attack of viruses I managed to finish another page of the Train. I reached 80%, only four pages to go! I can hardly believe that I've been working on this piece for more than a year, and it is kind of a finish line. Well, a real "kind of", since I estimate I will be ready by June, I plan to stitch 1 page each month.

Train of Dreams (HAED)
Fonal/Floss: DMC
Anyag/Fabric: 18 white aida